Epilepsy Awareness & Support - Epilepsy Quality of Life
Sign in / Register


The main question we are expecting at this stage of development is likely to be about the functionality of the website and how that relates to whether or not you have registered.

We have set three ‘permission’ levels:

  • Guest (not logged in)
  • Registered user (logged in)
  • Users with post approval (logged in with approval to post resources).

If you decide to register, user are sent an email to verify their email address before they can begin reacting, commenting etc. Please note – because this email is from an automated system please check you spam or junk folder.

Upon first login to the website, users will be asked to complete their profile - Biography, profile image, reasons for using the website etc. By completing section, it will improve the overall user experience.

By default, registered users will be able to comment, react, save resources etc but will not be able to post resources.

If a registered user wants to post a resource, and doesn’t have administrator approval, then they will need to send a request to the administrators. Registered users will receive a message to say that their request has been sent and that, if successful, they will be given access to post within 2 working days.

Users with post approval have the ability to post new resources. There will be a 2 hour period for the post to be accept.

Please submit your FAQ ideas in the feedback form below:

Please use the feedback form below to submit your frequently asked question ideas:


If you have any feedback, we'd love to hear from you: